The Emmaus Story...

In 2016, Emmaus Energy commenced its operations under the leadership of Matt Brown and Mark Fletcher. Combining their expertise in marketing and transportation, they laid the groundwork for a customer-focused business. Over the past nine years, Emmaus Energy has assembled a dedicated team committed to fostering relationships and providing competitive pricing to crude oil operators, refiners, and global clients. Operating as a dual revenue stream business encompassing both midstream and refined products, Emmaus Energy offers a pillar of stability and assurance in today's volatile market environment.

On the Crude Oil and Condensate front, our commitment to efficiency is evident in our prompt pickup services, averaging three days or less, facilitated by our fleet of company-owned trucks.  We offer the flexibility to purchase various grades and qualities of crude oil or condensate, ensuring versatility in meeting client requirements.  Furthermore, we handle all division of interest disbursements internally and manage state tax remittances on behalf of operators, streamlining administrative procedures. With extensive access across key regions in Oklahoma and established volumes, Emmaus Energy is well-positioned to meet the dynamic demands of the industry.

Within the Refined Product space, customers and suppliers seek more than just a chemical distributor.  They crave a strategic partner, a collaborative expert who can streamline processes, foster innovation, and enhance sustainability efforts.  At Emmaus Energy, drawing upon nearly thirty years of industry experience and leadership, we provide value-added services and specialized market insights, empowering our partners to capitalize on growth opportunities effectively.  Our foundational principles entail continuously refining our business model to uphold exceptional service standards, reliability, and punctual deliveries at competitive rates. We offer a comprehensive range of innovative services tailored to address evolving demands. With our expanded geographical reach and unparalleled expertise, we seamlessly integrate into our partners' operations, addressing unique challenges and co-creating solutions. We are dedicated to foreseeing, navigating, and capitalizing on growth prospects alongside our customers and suppliers.